How is reactjs different from flutter?

what is the different between reactjs development and flutter development.
what a role they paly in there respective flutter app development company and react development company

I appreciate what you did. ! !

Development between the two frameworks is an area where they both vary widely. Flutter offers a built-in navigator that helps to simplify the process for newer developers.

In development, Flutter uses JIT compilation to empower hot-reload. And for production builds, it uses AOT compilation for better performances. React-Native uses Javascript enhanced by some syntax sugar called JSX. JSX being a different language, it compiles to JS, then evaluated at runtime.

Found lots of info in this blog keep it up. Thanks for sharing.

Development between the two frameworks is an area where they both vary widely. Flutter offers a built-in navigator that helps to simplify the process for newer developers. By contrast, React Native is created for skilled developers and requires a certain level of expertise.

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