Flutter Text Rendering | raywenderlich.com

Learn about how Flutter renders Text widgets and see how to make your own custom text widget.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4562681-flutter-text-rendering
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Since writing this tutorial, the Flutter team has exposed LineMetrics, which I reviewed here. It provides some interesting applications, but I don’t think it would change how I wrote the tutorial above.

Great tutorial! Looking forward to the improvements on CJK characters orientation:grinning:

This is above my paygrade right now but it introduced me to where Flutter’s engine lives. The instructions on navigating it are invaluable.

And your links at the bottom of the article are sending me off in fun new directions.

Thanks for your hard work on this one!

It’s above my paygrade, too, but the simple act of exploring teaches me a lot. I just read a new article by someone who has explored more than I have. It’s called Flutter Internals. I recommend it even more than the links I gave at the end of the tutorial.

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Wow, this really is a great resource. Thank you so much for pointing it out. It’s very fascinating stuff!

I look forward to more of your content on Ray Wenderlich.

Thank you for the response.

Gary Qian is one of the Flutter team developers working on text rendering and I was able to interact with him while writing this article. Watch this great video by him and another developer explaining things you can do with the Text widget.

Another interesting update is that LibTxt may be replaced by the Skia skparagraph library. Hopefully that will make custom text rendering easier.

This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. Thank you!