Cloud Firestore on Android - Getting Started, Episode 3: Run the Sample Project |

After setting up the sample project to work with Firebase, weā€™ll discuss how the sample project works and how it will be communicating with Cloud Firestore.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hello! Iā€™m having issues while importing the sample project to my Android Studio. It never ends the ā€œImporting app Gradle projectā€ action

Hi! Well that shouldnā€™t happen normally, have you tried invalidating Android Studio cache and restarting? First close Android Studio and launch the project again, then to clear Android Studioā€™s cache and bring it out of its state of confusion, select ā€˜File > Invalidate Caches / Restartā€™ and then click the ā€˜Invalidate and Restartā€™ button. Clean and rebuild your project.

Let me know if that helps!