Chapter 24. subject never completed

I was going to extend SceneCoordinator to add more transitions types like fade and so forth. I was quite successful doing it except of the moment where subject variable never emits onCompleted. I need it to reset navigation controller delegate to nil once the transition is done.

Once I do push, pop and again I got this log for the debug code snippet:

// one-off subscription to be notified when push complete
    _ = navigationController.rx.delegate
      .map { _ in }
      .bind(to: subject)
2018-11-10 16:33:05.757: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> subscribed
2018-11-10 16:33:06.289: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:07.053: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:12.358: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> subscribed
2018-11-10 16:33:12.870: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:12.870: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:13.474: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:13.475: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:18.552: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> subscribed
2018-11-10 16:33:19.064: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:19.064: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:19.065: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:19.669: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:19.669: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())
2018-11-10 16:33:19.669: SceneCoordinator.swift:150 (push(subject:controller:)) -> Event next(())

Any help would be appreciated

@fpillet Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Hi @mike55,

You’re absolutely right. This is a bug in my sample implementation on ScreenCoordinator and I’ll fix it for the next iteration of the book, to come soon. In the meantime, you can use a simple fix:

// one-off subscription to be notified when push complete
   _ = navigationController.rx.delegate
     .map { _ in }
     .bind(to: subject)

Note the addition of the take(1). The actual real fix could be more complex, depending on the scenarios you want to handle: if the push is interrupted midway, the completion callback would never be invoked, therefore this particular observable wouldn’t complete. In real life this would not happen frenquently, if at all – I foresee a couple cases, mainly where your code pushes twice in a row.

Also, you may want to filter out invocations where the pushed controller is not the one you pushed, and in this case either ignore or complete the sequence.

Hope this helps,

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@mike55 I revisited this issue while working on the book update and couldn’t reproduce the issue with the code. There is a take(1) on the subject returned by both transition(to:type:) and pop() which you may have forgotten

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