Thank you, this helped me solve my problem!! The video should really be updated.
I had the same problem as above. The fix above sorted it, but yes the video needs to be updated please.
Worked for me! Thanks!
Although it wouldn’t hurt to fix the video, it definitely gave me good practice in tracking down fixes. If this was earlier in the project I’d say fix it for sure, but I’m actually kind of glad it’s there because although frustrating I learned a lot tracking it down.
You just have to scroll up in the debugging window and read the error and it tells you that it’s not properly loading the library. Then you have to find the solution to that. Which I found here, thanks all!
Worst case you revert to the previous non-html solution.
Thank you. Your solution fixes an error.
Thanks a lot brother. Your info solved my problem too.
Yaaa Now It’s working Thanks @norcoder
Thanks Ray ,
Well Im Happy to have Tutor like you , your teaching way is very good i can simply and easily understand what ur are teaching us , also i have a tip* for OPTION CLICK to see documentation directly
Worked for me to, Thanx man) appreciate)
Thank you I fixed it using the comments!
Ray and the team, please fix this issue !
If any one else runs into the following error messages
Variable used within its own initial value
Cannot convert value of type ‘() → ()’ to expected argument type ‘String?’
This worked for me
let htmlPath = Bundle.main.path(
forResource: "BullsEye",
ofType: "html"
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: htmlPath)
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
Great help. That worked for me. Thanks
@e10a Thank you for sharing your solution - much appreciated! :]
Adding the webkit framework to the library resolved the crash for me too. Thanks for posting the solution. Was desperately looking for what could be wrong. Was copying everything just like in the video and it crashed (with error: NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException) as soon as I clicked on the about button. The downloadable project crashed on me too. Adding the webkit framework there resolved that as well.
I thought one didn’t have to add frameworks in Swift anymore. Maybe a bug in the new Xcode?