SwiftUI Views | raywenderlich.com

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/17493408-your-first-ios-and-swiftui-app-an-app-from-scratch/lessons/4
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How do you post a question. Sorry an absolute beginner. Wondering in the tutorial how you move buttons or even delete them etc.

In XCode 12.5, cannot use Slider(value: .constant(70), in: 1.0...100.0) directly, should use Slider(value: .constant(70.0), in: 1.0...100.0).


Thanks for the comment @zhongdongy! I struggled with this a bit and noticed the same behaviour with the latest XCode.

Hi @zhongdongy I have the same problem

Failed to build ContentView.swift
Compiling failed: cannot convert value of type ‘int’ to expected argument type ‘Double’

Can any one help ?

Hi Paul,

If you have the compiling issue for converting “Int” to “Double”, as long as you are trying to put a numeric literal (like 20), you can change to something like 20.0. But if you are using a variable, you might need to change the declaration of that or use type cast: Double(your_int_var).

For more information, you may refer to the document: The Basics — The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.4) and look for this section: Integer and Floating-Point Conversion.



Hi David

Thanks for your help , that has solved the problem
Slider(value: .constant(50.0), in: 1.0…100.0)
The preview in the canvas now works great.


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Thank you so much
I have compiling issue
I got it!

Thanks Brother. You saved my day. :slight_smile: