Firebase Tutorial: Getting Started


Looking forward to see an updated version of this tutorial. :slight_smile:

This migration guide can help until an updated version is available.

Hi David1
Very nice tutorial.
I made swift app with firebase, but i cant get every parameters.
Can you help me please?
the parameter name is “reservation…”
How can i made Array with dictionary, send it to firebase and then it easily to get back.

Im updating the project to the new Firebase and I’ve run into a snag with creating child nodes from the app. Ive posted my question here in GGFirebase:

It seems the code snippet from GroceryListVC in viewDidAppear which creates an online user node gets a permission denied. I havent created the online node in Firebase. Is that something that should be made manually in the console or is it that the old API created it for you? Here is the snippet Im referring to:

FIRAuth.auth()!.addAuthStateDidChangeListener() { (auth, user) in
        if let user = user {
            print("User is signed in with uid:", user.uid)
            self.user = User(authData: user)
            // Create a child reference with a unique id
            let currentUserRef = self.usersRef.childByAutoId()
            // Save the current user to the online users list
            // When the user disconnects remove the value
        } else {
            print("No user is signed in.")

go to your firebase database console then change your rules to this one

Hey everyone,

So I have been trying to get Firebase added to my Xcode project. I have run the Pod Install and included ‘Firebase’ in my Podfile, I can see Firebase Analytics and other files, but when I try and use Firebase( … code …) it says that it isn’t recognized. Any suggestions about how to get Firebase attached to my Xcode project.

Also I am not sure if this is an issue, but I am using the Beta version of Xcode 8 with Swift 3

Please and many thanks!