- Chapter 7 / “Introducing ViewModifier”
“Remember the definition for “protocol” from a couple of chapters back…”
but before that there were no mention of “protocols”
- Chapter 7 / “Connecting the “Info” button to AboutView”
should be
- Chapter 8
“We’ll cakk it from the first Text element…”
should be
“We’ll call it from the first Text element…)”
@omghavefun Thank you for sharing this. I will forward it to the book team and they will definitely fix this in the next release and version of the book.
The captions under the first two illustrations in Chapter 9 are incorrect. Both read “A basic list with five ‘to-do’ items” but the illustrations show how a NavigationView contains a stack of views. Perhaps change the first to “AboutView stacks on top of ContentView” and the second to “Pressing Back pops AboutView off the stack, returning to ContentView”
Ah, this caption also appears incorrectly under the next illustration, which should read something like “List views appear throughout familiar Apple apps”