Chapter 2: Observables project problems

RxSwift is awesome. I am now discovering completely new conceptual ideas to clean up my event-driven asynchronous programming mess. Thanks to the RW team for writing this book. Excellent stuff! :clap: :smiley:

However, just like many of your readers before me, I am having the same problems getting started with the installation, the pods, the playground and Xcode. Not sure where the problem lies, but this should not be made difficult for your readers. Please. :pray:

I executed successfully all steps 1…5 on page 40. I also ran pod update following the Note (in gray box) on page 41. Still, I am getting the error in playground No Such module ‘RxSwift’.

Can anybody provide me any hints how to fix this issue? I would very much appreciate it! :raised_hand:

I’m including a couple of screenshots to show the state of my despair… I am using Xcode 8.3.2

  1. Workspace build succeeds:

  2. pod update (appears OK, but I’m no CocoaPod expert):

  3. Running RxSwift Playground … no good… No such module ‘RxSwift’

Once again, I am no CocoaPod expert. Perhaps something is not quite right with the installation setup and needs to be modified… Help. Please. :confused: