Beginning ARKit 路 Changes to a Previously Detected Surface |

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I鈥檓 attempting to modifying this example by allowing the user to select the size of the placed furniture. I鈥檝e added a UIPickerView and extended the furniture controller to include the UIPickerViewDelegate and data.

Note: I鈥檓 recalling this from memory as I write this so Controller names or function names might be slightly incorrect

What I would like to know is best way to pass the value of the selectedRow in the UIPickerView to the create so that I can do something else based on the value of the selected size.

What鈥檚 throwing me off is that the
var furniture
doesn鈥檛 seem to be set anywhere when you do the hittest to place furniture. I don鈥檛 know how it works but the index of the cell is then the value for furniture? which I think is defined in the extends for customFurnitureController extends UICollectionView? is this taking the index of the current collection item and assigning it鈥檚 value to var furniture

If the above assumption is correct. When I extend UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource,

what do I call to assign the selectedRow to a var furnitureSize variable that is being assigned variables in the background and staying uptodate with the users selection just like the var furniture?


@accordionguy Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

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